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SOS Company

SOS Company applies to the Transition & Change Management (T&CM) principles and methodology, which are particularly useful in a period of crisis and when measures taken by management have not delivered the expected solutions and results. The T&CM process is composed of a number of steps that allow reaching the clear identification of the issues, followed by the implementation of solutions and corrective actions.

Interim and crisis management

With extensive business experience, we are able to offer professional Interim Management support.

We can cover executive positions such as General Manager, CEO, Managing Director, Business Unit manager, Sales & Marketing manager.

Gianni has the track record for working in diverse settings, including multinationals, family companies, as well as corporate and operational functions. Experiences have been gained in national and international projects, always respecting multicultural differences.

While experience is mainly focused in the Agri-food business, we can successfully and effectively apply expertise to other business sectors.

Business strategy

The strategy is the roadmap to the future. A winning strategy will bring the company to the destination more effectively, swiftly and with better results than your competitors.

Too often we are busy on our daily job, gaining efficiencies, trying to accelerate and sometimes we forget the roadmap in our drawer.

The best strategy is not useful if it is not implemented in an effective way with clear milestones, reviews and monitoring.​

We help companies develop a clear process, supporting the management to get the commitment within the organisation and to support its effective implementation.

Project management

We are able to manage projects with a particular focus on the process, which is a crucial aspect for its success. Technical expertise is very often already present inside the client’s organisation.

Beraca is able to deploy specific expertise when needed, through its professional senior expert network.

Specific expertise is provided in the following areas: Agribusiness, Management processes, Team building.


Extensive experience built throughout 30 years dedicated to the development of the business within worldwide leaders, such as Syngenta, Ball Horticulture, De Ruiter seeds and Monsanto.

In depth knowledge and specific expertise in Vegetables, Flowers, Seeds, Young Plants as well as the Business Chain dynamics.

Management support

Specific support can be delivered in the following areas:
  • Business performance. Review the performance of the company and its business, identify problematic areas, as well as support, define and implement the corrective measures.
  • Organization. Support the company in clarifying all the organisational aspects in order to move to the next level by analyzing the situation in depth: Is the organisation set up in a coherent way that enables it to successfully tackle the business issues? How can we build the optimal organisation and avoid all resistances generated by the changes?
  • Team work. When energies are spent in confrontations among team members, a company loses sight of the real battles in the market place. In such a situation, Beraca can guide the company through all the processes of Team building, transforming a normal team into a winning team.

Recruitment advices

Beraca has an extensive network in the Agribusiness covering all the key functions: R&D, Supply Chain, Sales & Marketing, Support Functions.

Key talents and experienced managers are well known to Beraca.

The client can take advantage of this network.

Contact us for your needs. We’ll be able to help.