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Who are we

Gianni has built up significant experience over more than 30 years in business. He started his career as a civil servant in the rice business in northern Ivory Coast. He then moved into the corporate world working in the seed business and holding positions such as product manager and managing director in Novartis and Syngenta (agribusiness). He advanced in the organization and became responsible for the Business Unit Flowers as global head. Later he further enriched his experience by working for medium to big family companies, such as Ball Horticulture as managing director, and De Ruiter Seeds in sales and marketing (later MonSanto as global managing director). In 2009 he founded Beraca Business Support deciding to use his past experience to aid struggling companies in need of help. In the period July 2018-March 2021 he has served as CEO of Top Seeds International, in Israel.

Gianni has a keen understanding of the issues with which a company can be confronted. He listens, observes carefully, and puts people at ease when faced with crises in order to get the best out of their talents.


The Beraca network is the result of many years of intensive business activities and relations that have been built on the following key elements: ​Professionalism, integrity, results, solutions, listening, trust. When needed, the appropriate experts are mobilized and put in action to support the client in a specific area of expertise. ​​ The Beraca network covers the following fields:

Human Resources: people development, group effectiveness,…
Legal affairs
Business analysis
Finance & Administration
Sales & Marketing
Information Technology